Monday, September 10, 2007

First Day at Sea!!!!

First Day at Sea
Greetings from ORV Alguita,
Our first day at sea finds us outside the Channel Islands, near the San Juan Seamount. Our noon position was 32degrees 52minutes North Latitude, 120degrees 01minutes West Longitude. All crew are in good shape, no seasickness. Early this afternoon Jake caught a nice bonito, a small tuna and we had it for lunch. Later, Joe caught a larger one, which he released (see photos). The seas have been small and the wind moderate, and we are motor sailing under main and staysail. This message was sent via satellite.
Aloha from captain and crew

Primer Dia de Viaje

Saludos desde ORV Alguita,
Hoy nos encontramos afuera de las islas "Channel" y en alta mar. Nuestro posicion a medio dia fue 32 deg 55min N Lat, 120 deg 01min W. Lon. Esta manana atrapados un pez, un atun realtivamente grande y lo cocinamos. Horas mas tarde otro atun mordio el anzuelo pero lo soltamos, porque teniamos suficiente comida con el atun anterior. El viaje hasta hora ha sido muy tranquilo, no hemos tenido fuertes vientos y nadie en la tripulacion se ha sentido mareado. Ahora estamos veleando con la vela principal y foque estay con motores tambien por falta de viento.
Saludos de parte de toda la tripulacion para ustedes. Seguiremos en comunicacion manana.
Un abrazo desde la Alguita
Nota: este mensaje fue escrito sin acentos y utilizamos un satelite para la comunicacion.

1 comment:

ORV Alguita said...

Paul Clarke said...

As the first 24 hours of a new voyage pass under your keel(s), I can't help but make the observation that for those of us just starting a new school year there are many parallels.

The first night, people are sorted into watches, the excitement overriding tiredness. Similarly kids find which class/teachers they will have and there is an air of great anticipation.

There are the Night orders to read and follow just as there are school guidelines to digest and adhere to. New relationships are formed or deepened, or just enjoyed for the sake of setting off together once again.

There is, at school, the honeymoon period equivalent to getting far enough offshore to pass the continental shelf & traffic wherein it is hard to predict what kind of voyage/school year this is shaping up to be. But already leaders are emerging, courses are shaped and come what may, the initiative is under way.

Not only just under way, but there is a certain unavoidable forward motion akin to "time and tide wait for no man"... whether we act or not, we are all propelled forward. Best have a gentle but firm hand on the helm.

Take stock. Enjoy the moments of laughter or sharing whenever you can, but especially at the outset. Keep a weather eye.

Cheers from North Vancouver, BC, Canada
N49 W123